Yesterday, someone asked me this question.
" aku
dah loss 5kg..kenapa xda siapa tegur aku dah kurus ek? laki aku pun ckp nampak
mcm biasa je..frust btol..sia2 je eksesais, jaga makan. rasa tak berbaloi"
1st thing u
should always remember. You gain your weight slowly over a years, until u gain 20kg.
and now you
want people to notice your 5kg loss? and u said its not worth it? think again.
Some people just easily get demotivated and frustrated because
nobody said (infront of their face) that they’re looking better which they
expect to hear “eh awak dah makin kurus la
Do you know if you work really hard n watch your diet, YOU
will only feel/see changes to your body at the 4th week. It’s a MONTH
before you yourself feel/see any changes. Itu kalau work hard, klu workout
main2, kejap ada kejap takda, what do u expect?
Itu ko sendiri baru perasan, orang lain mesti la lambat lagi
nak perasan. Some people even loss 10kg and nobody said anything. But it doesn’t
matter. You just need to focus and keep doing what u r doing, and do it the
right way.
That should be motivates you more. Untuk buktikan pada orang
x sia2 workout n diet, hard works paid off walaupun lambat, it is the safest
Kalau korang perasan kan, manusia ni mmg perangai nya mcm tu.
Kalau gemuk, kejapppp aje dia pasan..dan tak menyaba2 nak komen orang tu gemok
(padahal dia tak kurus pun haha). Cuba klu org tu nampak kurus skit, dia sok
sek sok sek ckp kat org lain bisik2 “dia tu mcm dah kurus skit kan..tapi
sikittt je la..masih gemok gak aku tgk..” kannn? Sehingga la ko dah tak pakai
baju yg sama ko pakai slalu gi keje, sbb baju lama dah besar.. dan kemudian ada
la org terhegeh2 g dkt ko dan ckp “ mcm dah kurus skang kan.. makan apa?” ok,
masih negative tp dah ok sket la kan ckp kurus haha.
Mentality biasa; kurus = makan ubat /pil kurus /minum air
magik/makan replacement.
Tak pernah org tanya aku, kurus nak buat eksesais apa? Haram tak
pernah. Dan jawapan paling tepat untuk org mcm ni adalah.. saya makan nasik. 3
kali sehari. Dengan lauk ayam/ikan/daging dan sayur. Minum air masak byk2.
Gerenti, org yang tanya terus buat muka “ok..fineeee” terus blah, tak berminat
cara susah payah tu. Hahaha
Ada byk sebab kenapa orang tak perasan weight loss kita tu:
kita mmg dah original besar . klu berat 90kg, x bley nampak lagi beza dengan
85kg or 80kg. so sabar banyak2
buat workout yg x cmpur weight n strength. So badan lambat toned. Fatloss adalah
lebih obvious daripada weight loss. So jangan aim weight loss saja n badan
geleber so x nmpk kurus.
Xleh nak buat apa. Bersabar je la smpai dpt berat idaman kalbu hehe.
excited tuka saiz baju. Haha. Betul tak? Klu ko dah turun 5kg n bleh fit in
baju saiz L dari saiz XL mmg la org x pasan sbb nya baju ko muat2 je..sama mcm
saiz XL muat2, x nmpk different. Sabar lagi ;)
yg loss tu adalah air. Jadi x nampak sangat beza pd badan. Aim for more
mmg ego. Xnak ngaku org lain dah kurus. Hehe ni la yg banyaknye.
Kesimpulannya, just keep it up -- Your spirit, your
motivation, your trust in yourself. If u can lose 5kg, u certainly can lose
more. If you quit now, all the hardworks is useless. All the pain, all the
sweat, all the time that you sacrifice, all the food you gave up for a better
you, is USELESS. And please, do you really want to start this all over again,
FROM ZERO? I will not.
Just remember setiap orang chemistry badan nya x sama. Ada org
bleh lose weight cepat, ada yang lambat. ada yg boleh makan nasik n kurus, ada
yg makan nasik semangkuk naik berat badan. So don’t just focus on your weight. This
journey is more than that. Being healthy should be the first in the list, so
the other thing will be follow.
You are not competing with anyone. The only enemy lies within
yourself and its in your mind. FIGHT!
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